Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Teen pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy
3/10 of all teenage girls become pregnant before the age of 20
By: Brittany Limberg

     The rise and fall of teenage pregnancy almost 1/3 in the United states. 2/3 Of all teens pregnancy's occur among 18-19 years old. Children on teen mothers have a 50% chance of repeating a grade, less likely to finish high school, and lower scores on quizzes and tests. African-American race has the highest teen pregnancy. 23% rise in teen birth rate from 1986-1991, Hispanic now has the highest birth rate.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monetizing the web

     Isn't today's media great?
       certain sites enable us to recieve the information we want
          By: Brittany Limberg

     Todays media is like no other remember when you were driving on the road and you see advertisements where ever you go?. Well now the media outlet is seling advertisements whic usually run along the 6th collum. To click it generates revenue plus advertise space $ dollars.
     Up to date changed such as twitter and facebook allow readers to get instant information, upcoming events, previous live broadcasts, and on the road these media outlets allow information to get on your cell phone. Isn't todays media great?.